Monday, March 10, 2008

Pod together now

As of my birthday in January, I am the proud owner of an 80 GB (80 GBs!), 5th Generation Apple iPod. It is so choice. I highly recommend picking one up if you have the means. (Apologies to John Hughes.)

I read an article in the August 17, 2007 Charlotte Observer that intrigued me about iPods and the people that own them. (Yes, it's old news. I intended to post on it way back then, but never did. Owning my very own iPod reinspired me.) The title of the article was "iPods Exposed". In it, columnist Jeff Elder went up to the plugged-in people on the street and interrupted their musical bliss by asking, "What are you listening to?" Hilarity ensues. (One guy admitted to Elder that he was listening to "Elmo's Song." I shudder to think of it...)

The thrust of the article is that our iPods are supposed to say something about our personalities. I thought this was interesting. What was more interesting was that some psychologist at UNC Chapel Hill told him that asking what someone has on their iPod is "voyeuristic". "It's like asking, 'What kind of underwear do you have on?'" What underwear, smart guy?

But seriously, if our iPods are extensions of our personalities, and our play lists are so secretive, what does that say about who we really are versus the way we present ourselves? Are we afraid to admit who we are? Have we found one more face of the Stranger?

I have decided that it is my duty as a responsible blogger to help all people to embrace who they are. That's right, discerning readers. I want to know what you have on your iPods or other MP3 players. Don't be bashful. Reveal your darkest Elmo secrets to me.

And while you're at it, I also need some advice. Do any of you have any rules about what you put on your iPod? For instance, I have one friend that refuses to put more than two songs from any one artist on her iPod. I met another guy that puts only whole albums on his. Does anyone have any kind of arbitrary rules that you follow regarding your iPod?


Crys said...

Ipods are the best invention ever made! Ever! My music selection reveals my desire to reduce my vast corpulence. Workout music first, then a little classical, specifically, Barber's Adagio, and last, a few podcasts to keep my interest for moments of desperation when either of the other two genres don't work. In summary, my Ipod reveals my unfounded hope in the face of insurmountable rotundity.

Angela said...

my ipod is about to have some John Denver, Beach Boys, and Monkees on it. I just have to burn them from the cd! Other than that I have some modern rock and such that is good for working out...not that I have done much of that, lately!